President Bush again called on Congress to make his record tax cuts permanent and urged lawmakers to pass a free trade agreement with Colombia before the end of the year. 布什总统再次呼吁国会让他的减税方案永久化。他还呼吁国会议员在今年年底之前批准美国跟哥伦比亚达成的自由贸易协议。
If a permanent agreement is not reached within six months, Kimball says the first stage could be extended, or Congress could vote to impose additional sanctions against Iran. 金博尔表示,如果在六个月之内不能达成一份永久的协议,第一阶段将被延长,或者国会将投票对伊朗进行进一步制裁。
Permanent Secretariat of the Conference of the South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 南美洲麻醉药品和精神调理物质协定会议常
Without written consent by Party A or legal requirements, Party B has permanent confidential obligation on the acquired Party A's trade secret, no matter how the validity state of this Agreement is. 未经甲方书面同意或非应法律之要求,乙方对其取得的甲方的商业秘密负有永久保密义务,不论本协议效力状况如何。
The flourish of economic activities between Taiwan and China testifies the necessity of establishing a permanent regulatory scheme, i.e., bilateral traffic agreement, over cross-strait commercial air transport. 摘要台湾与中国间旺盛之经济活动,证明了彼此在商业航空运送活动上建构规机制-航权协议的需要。
In 2002, with the help of external positive mediation, two sides signed the Permanent Cease-Fire Agreement. 在外界的积极斡旋下,双方终于在2002年签署了永久性停火协议,和平的曙光似已照耀斯里兰卡的大地。
Dioxin and furan, the so-called environment hormones, are two of the 12 permanent organic pollutants forbidden or limited by 2001 Stockholm Agreement of UN. They can seriously injure the gland excretion system and genitals system of human and high animals. 二恶英和呋喃被称为环境激素,是被联合国2001斯德哥尔摩公约禁止或限制的12种持久性有机污染物中的2种,它们能严重损害人类和高级动物的内分泌和生殖系统,并具有致癌性。
A Discussion on the Business Agents of the Permanent Office in the Agreement of the International Tax 国际税收协定中常设机构中的营业代理人初探